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        • 憑藉過去 30 年累積的深厚產業專業知識和研發能力,我們是您在可靠性、創新性和多功能性方面的業務合作夥伴。 所有產品都體現了我們對品質、速度和技術服務的承諾。 我們是您值得信賴的業務夥伴,讓每一次活動都變得非凡。

        • 我們是您的空間創新者,可以透過客製化的帳篷解決方案將普通的地方變成非凡的體驗空間。 我們相信,透過結合創新技術和個人化體驗,將使您在每個商務活動或工程專案中取得更好的成功。

  • 聯繫
30x120 Festival Frame Tents

40x120 織物結構框架帳篷


  • 廣闊的空間:它擁有4,800平方英尺的室內空間,可以輕鬆容納大型派對。
  • 耐候性:耐候性面料和堅固的框架為雨、風和陽光提供了庇護。
  • 專業外觀:沒有中央支柱增加了一些複雜性,營造出優雅的氛圍。
  • 多功能使用:適用於婚禮、公司活動、展覽和社區活動,滿足各種需求。
  • 耐用的結構:建立堅固的框架,為許多活動提供長期可靠性。
  • 安裝方便:設計用於直接組裝,在安裝過程中節省時間和精力。
  • 活動策劃人員和公司:對於需要大型室外場地舉辦婚禮、企業會議和各種大小展覽的活動策劃人員和公司而言,這是理想的選擇。
  • 婚禮策劃人員和新人:對於尋找寬敞而優雅的婚禮場地的婚禮策劃人員和新人而言,這是完美的選擇。
  • 企業活動組織者:適合舉辦企業會議、產品發佈會、培訓研討會和其他商務活動,增添專業氣息。
  • 展商和展會:展商可以在展會、展覽和博覽會上展示產品和服務,吸引潛在客戶和合作夥伴。
  • 社區活動策劃人員:社區活動策劃人員可以將其用於社區節日、市場和大型聚會,作為中心會場。
  • 文化和藝術活動組織者:對於文化節慶、藝術展覽和現場表演,提供多功能空間。
  • 教育機構:教育機構可以利用它舉辦畢業典禮、研討會、工作坊和教育活動。
細節 & 特點

40x120 布結構框架帳篷是一個寬敞的室外庇護所,寬度為 40 英尺,長度為 120 英尺。其框架通常由耐用的金屬製成,確保帳篷的穩定性和支撐。帳篷的覆蓋物由高品質、耐候材料製成,提供保護免受自然元素的影響。提供客製化選項,包括側壁、門和各種配件,以滿足特定需求。儘管尺寸龐大,但在專業協助下安裝和拆卸都是可管理的。這種帳篷具有多功能性,可用於各種應用,從婚禮和展覽等大型活動到工業用途,提供空間和保護。

  • 寬敞的內部空間
  • 堅固的金屬框架
  • 客製化選項
  • 清晰的內部空間
  • 安裝便捷
帳篷尺寸 40x120
帳篷樣式 框架帳篷
帳篷頂部重量 765
最長的支柱 14’4”
顏色 白色
帳篷頂部零件數量 4
布料的透明度 阻光
帳篷頂部材料 16 oz PVC vinyl
總平方英尺 4800
頂部高度 17’
最適合 草地,柏油,混凝土.

ShelterStructures 帳篷與頂級貨運服務公司合作,為企業客戶提供高效可靠的物流選擇。我們的重點是以專業和準確的方式滿足各種龐大的 B2B 客戶需求。對於特殊的處理需求,如使用升降門,只需通知我們的團隊,以確保量身定制的運輸程序。






Customer service


Our diverse product range ensures that you will find the right tent system for your needs.

A Fusion of Luxury and Versatility for Every Occasion!

We provides the best atmosphere

20x20 Keder Tent
40x120 Fabric Structures Frame Tent

Elegant Under the Stars

Transforming outdoor weddings with its majestic canopy, the Frame Tent offers a romantic, fairy-tale setting.

40x120 Fabric Structures Frame Tent

Festival Gathering Hub

At the heart of every festival, this Pole Tent stands as a bustling center for socializing and celebration.

40x120 Fabric Structures Frame Tent

Rustic Market Charm

Under the Frame Tent's shelter, vendors and shoppers mingle in a vibrant, rustic-themed market atmosphere.


C Series Temporary Tent Structures for Temporary Buildings

Wall & gable options

  • 650GSM Translucent PVC
  • 950GSM Transparent PVC
  • PVC french window

Door options

  • Single door
  • Double door

Roof options

  • 850GSM Opaque PVC
  • 950GSM Transparent PVC

Additional accessories

  • Enterance ramp
  • Canopy
  • Decorative linings
  • Wooden floor
  • Cassette floor

Main Applications of 40x120 fabric structures frame tent

Weddings and Receptions

This tent is perfect for hosting weddings and receptions, offering a spacious and elegant venue that can comfortably accommodate large guest lists. Its expansive interior allows for creative wedding decor and layouts, creating a memorable atmosphere for couples and their guests.

Corporate Events and Conferences

It serves as an ideal space for corporate events such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and product launches. The tent's professional appearance and ample room make it suitable for business activities and presentations, ensuring a productive and impressive corporate setting.

Trade Shows and Exhibitions

The tent is well-suited for trade shows, exhibitions, expos, and product showcases. Its expansive interior provides exhibitors with a versatile space to display their products and engage with attendees. Clear sightlines and a weather-resistant canopy enhance the overall exhibition experience.

Community Festivals and Gatherings

Community festivals, fairs, and gatherings benefit from this tent's ability to serve as a central hub. It offers shelter and space for various activities, ensuring that attendees have a comfortable and enjoyable experience. From food vendors to live entertainment, it accommodates diverse festival elements.

Emergency Shelters and Disaster Relief

In times of emergencies or disaster relief efforts, this tent can be repurposed as a temporary shelter for displaced individuals and families. Its weather-resistant design and large capacity provide a safe and secure environment during challenging circumstances, making it a valuable resource for humanitarian purposes.

Spiritual Gatherings

Spiritual organizations might utilize these camping tents for outside spiritual celebrations, events, resorts, and special occasions, giving shelter while maintaining a connection with nature.

Sure! The 40x120 fabric structure frame tent has no middle support pole, so you can freely arrange the interior space of the tent according to your needs. This enables you to customize the decor and layout to suit the specific needs and style of your event.

Yes, the sturdy frame and high-quality materials of the 40x120 fabric frame tent are designed for long-term use.

The 40x120 fabric structure frame tent can be disassembled and folded for easier transportation and storage. It can be stored in a smaller space to suit your needs.

Yes, we offer a tent warranty policy to ensure the performance of the tent under normal usage conditions. Please contact our customer service team for more details about your warranty.




SHELTER 擁有一支由熟練建築師組成的優秀團隊,隨時準備為您的專案或活動提供支援。



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      USA: +1 713-386-9281

CN: +86 13928858552


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