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        • 憑藉過去 30 年累積的深厚產業專業知識和研發能力,我們是您在可靠性、創新性和多功能性方面的業務合作夥伴。 所有產品都體現了我們對品質、速度和技術服務的承諾。 我們是您值得信賴的業務夥伴,讓每一次活動都變得非凡。

        • 我們是您的空間創新者,可以透過客製化的帳篷解決方案將普通的地方變成非凡的體驗空間。 我們相信,透過結合創新技術和個人化體驗,將使您在每個商務活動或工程專案中取得更好的成功。

  • 聯繫
10m Public Space Dome


歡迎來到10米活動圓頂的領域 - 這是企業鑑賞家的典型集結點。這座建築奇蹟不僅是一個空間,而且是舉辦活動的戰略合作夥伴,它包含寬敞的78平方米(840平方英尺)。它經過精心設計,可以容納多達130名行業專業人士進行站立式的混合聚會,或者60名思想領袖進行研討會。這個圓頂是企業多功能性的體現,為產品發佈、思想領導論壇和高知名度的網絡活動提供了一個傑出的舞台。

  1. 商務聚會:10米活動圓頂是商業菁英的避風港,在這裡,每一次握手和交流都在發展和合作的保護下進行。

  2. 服務計劃:寬敞的室內是一塊空白的畫布,適合展示您的企業願景,無論是繁忙的貿易展覽地板還是特別的高管聚會。

  3. 特殊氛圍製造:圓頂的獨特布局為活動創造了獨特的環境,提升了個人參與和承諾感。

  4. 品質體驗保證:高端露營帳篷風格專注於舒適和優質,為參與者提供優質的環境體驗,增強了活動的吸引力和成功。

  5. 視覺吸引力:帳篷外觀設計吸引人,為活動增添美感,吸引更多的關注和參與。

  6. 場地遇見策略:10米巨型活動圓頂帳篷不僅僅是一個單位,它是商業里程碑的融合之地,商業目標由一個壯觀的體驗輔助,從而形成持久的行業印象。

地板面積78m² / 840sq ft
直徑10m / 33ft
高度5m / 16ft


Customer service

Product details


10M Geodesic Dome Tents For Party

Different Use Situations

Sector Top

The interior design of the dome highlights the official and professional atmosphere required for sector summits, providing comfortable seating and professional sound devices to produce an atmosphere for concentrated communication. At the same time, in feedback to the demands of the market summit, the dome offers an expert speech stage and display location, providing a dreamland for participants to display their brand name photo and share sector insights. The market top brings in the engagement of experts and point of view leaders in the sector, and the dome gives a vital area for them to connect and connect, promoting expertise sharing and teamwork within the sector.

Service Gatherings

The dome creates a loosened up and pleasurable social atmosphere for service events, making participants really feel warm and close via soft illumination and comfortable seating. At the same time, organization gatherings often need personal tasks and enjoyment, and domes offer flexible set up and customisation choices to fulfill the needs of various party motifs and purposes. Organization gatherings are necessary events for business socialising and organization exchanges, and the dome supplies a platform for participants to engage and communicate easily, helping with business co-operation and interaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

The standard floor area of this product is 78 square meters (840 square feet), with a diameter of 10 meters and a height of 5 meters. It can accommodate up to 130 people standing or 60 people seated at tables, based on conventional capacity.

Yes, it is capable of meeting a wide range of terrains and coping with different inclement weather to meet your diverse needs.

Of course, we can provide you with an exclusive customized service based on the needs you provide.

In short, from the outside, the size and design of the dome is unique, which makes it more suitable for events with a literary atmosphere, whereas tents are a bit more formal.

Yes, our design allows for seamless switching between different types of events, as our modular design allows for a smooth installation and dismantling process. The standard size can be dismantled and installed in less than half a day, ensuring a smooth switching process.




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      USA: +1 713-386-9281

CN: +86 13928858552


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